Holly has two boys, a spouse, and a full-time job. Some days she feels like she can barely go to the bathroom alone. Sadie is a pharmacist. She works long hours that don’t stop on nights and weekends. She enjoys spending time with her family. She also likes going to the activities and social events...Read More
There is a thin line sometimes between depression and boredom. As a population, we are overstimulated. The sheer number of choices we have available makes all them appear as white noise. It’s a little like having nothing to watch on TV but having access to 100+ channels, Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu. Nothing is “special”. ...Read More
No doubt Thanksgiving will be a bit different this year. This is a time to reflect and be thankful. Serving a delicious meal (even if the guest list is smaller this year), is a great way to enjoy the day. There is so much delicious food served this time of year. A little advanced planning...Read More
We are quick to blame the weather, upcoming holidays, work stress, and decreased daylight hours for slipping into a funk. We are in a rut and so we step back from our own well-being (fitness, nutrition, sleep, etc.) and let the mood take hold. You can chalk it up to winter in Wisconsin or you...Read More
Exercise will improve your mental health and that has never been more important than right now. Mental health concerns are on the rise. While the causes are not always known, a common component is trouble regulating serotonin (one of the key neurotransmitters involved in mood). Therapy and medication can boost serotonin levels but what if...Read More
Winter is around the corner. This year, winter seems a little more daunting. We don’t need to re-hash all the differences 2020 provided so we’ll skip to how to best take care of YOU this fall and winter. Mental wellness is at the top of the list. Having a positive outlook doesn’t just happen. It...Read More
Before my temper tantrum (aka. A child’s version of a high stress situation) reached a fevered pitch, my mom would tell me to take a breath. Your mom probably did the same. As it turns out, our moms were right. Hopefully, we grew out of temper tantrums, but stress remains part of our everyday lives. ...Read More
You are replaceable. Ouch. That is not a nice thing to say and an even worse thing to hear. The truth is that in most areas of our lives, we are replaceable… but there are two truths. Truth #1: Your employer can find another employee, you can find another doctor, you don’t have to be...Read More