Putting Happy Back in the Holidays – Part 1 Holy cow! (that’s Wisconsin speak for Yikes!) Do you know what’s right around the corner? The HoLiDAyS!! This can be a time of great joy and a source of great (or not so great) stress. This is part of 1 of our series on how to...Read More
We are often asked, “What is the best program to help me meet my goals?” Easy answer. The BEST fitness program in the world is the one that works for YOU. Plain and simple. That will look different for everyone because everyone is motivated by a different goal. Some people have outcome related goals (ie....Read More
Small changes in your nutrition can yield big results. Let’s talk about sugar for a minute. Excessive consumption of added sugar is linked to heart disease, weight gain, diabetes, and tooth decay. Added sugar is found in obvious places like soda, cookies, and candy, but it also lurks in processed foods like bread, sauces, and...Read More
The gym is a great place to be for an hour but what about that time outside of the gym? Want to live a happier life? Practice gratitude. Gratitude is a thankful appreciation for what we receive, tangible and intangible. It helps us connect to what is happening in our lives and allows us to...Read More
Many small employers are struggling to find cost-effective health insurance coverage for their employees. The costs continue to rise with no end game in sight. The good news is that there are a few solutions that have recently become available. Level funded programs and partially self-funded programs allow small employers to be medically underwritten. This...Read More
You need to eat well to perform well. What are you doing to fuel your success? Here’s how to build your plate based on your training for the day. Want more guidance on nutrition? Our one-on-one nutritional program begins October 1st. Registration is now open. This is the same program that’s helped over 10,000 people transform...Read More
You are killing it in the gym but what about in the kitchen? You need to eat well to perform well. That is true in and outside of the gym. What are you doing to fuel your success? Imagine what upping your nutrition game could do for your performance and goals. We are now offering one-on-one...Read More
On this day 18 years ago, 246 people will go to sleep before morning flights. 2,606 people will go to sleep in preparation for work the next morning. 343 firefighters have shifts coming up in the morning. 60 police officers have patrol. 8 paramedics will be on call and ready the next morning. None of...Read More
We keep our phones/electronics charged up. Our vehicles are filled with gas. Are we doing the same with our bodies? The CDC reports that one-third of US adults report that they usually get less than the recommended seven or more hours of sleep per night. Chronic sleep deprivation is linked to many chronic diseases and...Read More
Nutrition. Clean eating. Macros. Micros. This diet. That diet. One study says this. The next study says the opposite. STOP 🛑 Join us tomorrow night (Wednesday) at 6:15pm as we welcome Registered Dietician Alicia Brown to talk about nutrition, simplified. “Nutrition doesn’t have to be difficult. Food should nourish your body AND be an enjoyable experience....Read More